Tonya's Painted Fun

Tonya is busy whippin' up some of her trademark painted bowls and treasure boxes.  This multi-talented gal is sure to have more surprises up her sleeve at the Beehive Bazaar! Oh yeah, don't forget about her new to the BB, Paintings!!!!!

Impossible Acts...

I'm gearing up for the spring show and working on a new collection of paintings. For a sneak preview stop in and visit my friends Megan and Kim at Kaleidoscope (in the Provo River Woods)--they've kindly scattered a few of my latest pieces amongst their fabulous must-haves.

sneak peek...

OK I know it's a little late in the evening, but we promised a sneak peek into tomorrow show...and here it is!

Molly Call has found a new medium...paint- but also felt and of course her first loves- collage and paper mache.

Jennifer Calderon modeling the latest rage in Hollywood, the knitted 'fanny pack'. Maybe Lindsay Lohan will stop by to pick one up!

letter pressed cards

Hiedi Blackwelder specialty is in graphic design, especially cards and invitations for events, but she loves designing and crafting all kinds of things from silly to smart and everything in between. Her letter pressed cards and tags are darling and top-notch original.

This Christmas she is also dabbling in paint and doing a little makeover on old elementary school chairs. Very clever, don't your little one's need some color in their space?